Monday, December 3, 2012

'My evil boyfriend raped me in my sleep for TWO YEARS': Victim was sedated by PC's son who even took pictures as he abused her

A terrified woman has revealed her disgust at discovering her boyfriend of two years had repeatedly raped her while she slept.
Naomi Hampson, 27, only found out she had regularly fallen victim to sick Robert Fryer when police raided the couple's home.
Her perverted boyfriend would sedate her and often paint her nails and dress her in jewellery before taking photographs of his revolting acts and saving them on his computer.
Miss Hampson said: 'I'm disgusted when I think about what he did. It makes me feel dirty and completely violated. Not remembering anything makes it worse.
'It is so sinister all that time I was living with someone capable of that. He has no emotion. He is evil. And if the police hadn't found out I could have still been living with him. It's terrifying.'
Nottingham Crown Court heard in August that Fryer, a policeman's son, has the rare condition somnophillia - dubbed 'sleeping princess syndrome'.
He admitted raping Miss Hampson three times between 2008 and 2011. He also pleaded guilty to a separate charge of sexual activity without consent and was jailed for eight years.
The couple moved in together in Nottingham, having met on a night out in 2008, and Fryer was soon taking advantage of Miss Hampson , who struggled emotionally after her father John, 77, being was diagnosed with cancer.
Miss Hampson was drinking more than usual but would wake up on the sofa or in bed without any knickers on and sometimes wearing nail polish or jewellery - but had no memory of falling sleep.
Fryer was arrested after he told a friend about his despicable attacks, with officers later showing the pictures to Miss Hampson and explaining that they believed he had sedated her.
Miss Hampson, who has waived her right to anonymity to speak out, said Fryer had made out she was drinking too much. She described him as a psychopath and believes he got a thrill from the confused.
Miss Hampson told the Sunday People: 'My entire life has been shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and my soul feel broken. I hate him for what he did to me.'

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why men should be nice to their mother-in-law: It might save them from divorce

If the comedians are to be believed, the chances of a husband getting on well with his mother-in-law are next to zero.
But if the psychologists are to be believed, he really ought to try.
Husbands who get on well with their in-laws have a 20 per cent higher chance of avoiding divorce than the average, an American study found.
Oddly, however, women who enjoy a good relationship with their in-laws have a 20 per cent greater chance of separating.
The researchers suggested that wives who like their in-laws may find it hard to set boundaries, and in the coming years may feel they are meddling.
But men do not seem to share such anxieties.
Researchers at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research studied 373 same-race couples over 26 years
They found that husbands who made the effort to get on with their mother-in-law were the ones most likely to stay married.
All the couples were between the ages of 25 and 37 and in their first year of marriage when the study began in 1986.
Lead researcher Dr Terri Orbuch, a psychologist and research professor, asked each of the couples to rank how close they felt to their in-laws out of four. She has followed them ever since.
According to Dr Orbuch, it’s a good thing if men get along with their in-laws because ‘these ties connect the husband to the wife’.
For women, however, the situation is rather different. She said: ‘Because relationships are so important to women, their identity as a wife and mother is central to their being.
‘They interpret what their in-laws say and do as interference into their identity as a spouse and parent.’
Dr Orbuch tells parents who have a son to tread carefully, as a daughter-in-law will probably be more sensitive to their interference.
Wives should be careful about sharing details of their marriages so that everyone respects each other’s boundaries, she added.
And husbands should make sure they treat their in-laws as ‘special and important’.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

End of the goodnight kiss? 80% of couples go to sleep without even a simple peck (and 90% don't even bother to say 'I love you').

Even after the passion has faded a little, a goodnight kiss doesn’t seem too much to expect from your partner.
But according to research, it probably is. 
Eighty per cent of couples no longer kiss each other good night, it found – because they’re so focused on getting to sleep
And such is their mission to get a good night’s rest that 46 per cent said they sleep with their backs to their partner.
But that might not be as bad as it sounds. 
Corrine Sweet, a relationship psychologist, said the back-to-back position shows innocence and trust – and body language during sleep cannot be faked. 
She said: ‘Inevitably, once the first flush of lust wears off, with couples naked and entwined, it is more likely that the need for a good night’s sleep predominates, so sleeping back to back becomes a favourable position in bed.’
Indeed, only 1 per cent of the 2,000 couples surveyed by Travelodge said they sleep in what the researchers called the ‘heroic romantic movie scene sleeping’ position, with the man lying on his back and the woman’s head on his chest.
Miss Sweet said: ‘Couples fall into habitual ways of sleeping together that suits their personalities and personal preferences. 
'If something changes in how they sleep together, this can …cause concern for the other partner.’